Ежедневные награды за Aug 26 2021
Player Action Awards
nizkiy_flexx has the highest skill with 313.47
Player with the highest skill
psiblade god has killed the most players (42)
Player with the most kills (any team)
nizkiy_flexx has been online the longest (00:19:03)
Player with the most online time
Individual Weapon Awards
psiblade god has the most
kills (24)
Most kills with a ak47
K P A C U B O has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a knife
psiblade god has the most
kills (18)
Most kills with a m4a1
Prince has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a usp
remzy has the most
kills (3)
Most kills with a deagle
remzy has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a glock18
remzy has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a grenade